Gifted Therapy

Ask Mary #1

Mary Stone (Host) and Renee Johnson (Producer) Episode 9

In this episode, Mary answers ten listener questions.  Below are the questions answered.

1.     How can I raise my vibration to be able to connect more with my loved ones?

2.     How can I tell someone has crossed over into the spirit world?

3.     What do spirits do in the spirit world?

4.     How do you know who is your soulmate?

5.     Listener writes, "I have so many fears and I do not know where they come from”.  Where do fears come from?

6.     Where can I learn Reiki?

7.     Are there any places that you avoid going to because of the presence of an energy or a  prominent spirit?

8.     What can you tell us about "night terrors" (a.k.a. nightmares)? Children often suffer from night terrors and can have conversations with you upon waking from them, but then have little to no recall about them. 

9.      Is there anything we can do before a reading that would encourage one of our loved ones to come through?

10.  I think I have a Star Child, what do I do?

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